Advice Logo

We provide free, confidential and impartial advice for people
living in Birmingham on a wide range of money advice services


 we have  supported 2000 families  with food parcels in the year ending 31st March 2024 

People Supported

Increased household income by £200,000 by supporting 500  people suffering fuel poverty, rescheduling £725,000 of debt.

£'s of Debt Rescheduled

Rescheduled £2.1 million pounds of debts and increased household income by £800,000 for 1000 vulnerable adults with significant debt issues including water utility and fuel debt.

Art Zone Logo

Cinema, comedy nights, music, theatre

Upcycle Logo

Upcycle Birmingham is our thriving furniture recycling business that
helps people transform their homes with low cost, high quality goods.


12 local people who joined Upcycle Birmingham as volunteers have now moved on to permanent employment.

Tonnes per year

Each year 120 tonnes of donated items are brought into Upcycle Birmingham for repair, upcycling and resale
Library Logo

Look out for updates on the new Library Service coming soon. 

Welcome to Spitfire Services – the new name for Castle Vale TRA

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